HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Korea After the Olympics

South Korea wants to avoid a war, but reconciliation with the North is no panacea either.

Japan’s North Korea Strategy: A Solid Defense

Peripheral to the crisis on the Korean Peninsula, Japan is slowly building up military capabilities.

A Theory About Iran

A battle for power is shaping up, and the stakes are extremely high.

Israel’s Russia Gambit

How will Russia respond to the implied request to rein in the Iranians?

Turkey Enters the Fray

Never in the field of human conflict has such a limited military operation been threatened for so long.

As North Korea Goes Nuclear, U.S.-China Relations Sour

Beijing will use what leverage it has to prevent the U.S. from taking a tougher stance on trade.

Where Hypersonic Weapons Fit in the Future of War

The battles that will urgently require these are the battles that nations must win.

The Predictable Volatility of Iran and North Korea

One is coming to grips with its geographic constraints, the other is turning weakness into strength.

The War Over Season’s Greetings

Dec. 27, 2017 “Merry Christmas” is a religious greeting that has become a secular one.

Putin’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ Moment in Syria

Dec. 20, 2017 In the Middle East, today’s successes can be tomorrow’s failures.

Europe’s Era of Harmony Is Over

Dec. 13, 2017 Polish voters, like those in Britain, elected not to harmonize with Europe.

The Coming Conflict Between China and Japan

Dec. 6, 2017 As the U.S. nears the limits of its power, regional powers will be more unencumbered than ever before.

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