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Regional Directory

Aftershocks and Morality Questions Following Paris Attacks

Nov. 18, 2015 Governments and individuals now have to face the difficult question of how to prevent future attacks from happening.

Germany Revises Approach to Open Borders

Nov. 18, 2015 With security concerns now adding to the refugee crisis, Germans are becoming increasingly wary of the European Union’s open borders.

Turkey Edging Closer to Islamic State Confrontation

Nov. 19, 2015 Turkey has avoided military intervention in Syria but may now be moving in that direction.

Free Movement in Europe May Be Coming to an End

Nov. 17, 2015 French President Francois Hollande reportedly plans to call for an end to free movement of European Union citizens.

Ukraine Claims Ceasefire Violations

Nov. 17, 2015 Kiev’s reports of spikes in ceasefire violations are likely meant to influence negotiations between Russia and the West.

The Strategic Context of the Paris Attacks

Nov. 16. 2015 The terrorist attacks in Paris indicate a new level of sophistication in Islamic State’s planning and coordination.

Renewed Fighting in Ukraine

Nov. 16, 2015 New fighting in eastern Ukraine has disturbed the relative calm of a ceasefire agreed to in September.

Islamic State’s Warning on Paris Attacks

Nov. 16, 2015 Iraq’s intelligence service received a warning that Islamic State was planning to attack coalition countries prior to the deadly attacks in Paris.

Net Assessment of the Middle East and North Africa

Dec. 2, 2015 Modern Middle Eastern states were largely formed by the British and French starting at the conclusion of World War I. The region today is struggling with a deep divide between declining secular regimes and emerging Islamist non-state actors.

Regional Assessment: Central Asia

Central Asia is a crossroads: the region that lies between the Chinese, Russian, Indian, Turkic, and Persian civilizations attracted generations of both traders and invaders.

Net Assessment of South Asia

Dec. 2, 2015 South Asia is home to almost a quarter of the world’s population. The region’s geopolitical reality is dominated by a complex series of power dynamics, centered on the relationship between Pakistan and India.

Net Assessment of the European Peninsula

Dec. 2, 2015 Europe is coming to a turning point. The European Union has been slowly fragmenting, strained under the pressure of the financial and refugee crises. Countries will soon have to decide between maintaining their own sovereignty and building a strong, powerful union to solve these pivotal issues.

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