HomeReality Check

Reality Check

Turkey and Iran: On a Collision Course

The Turkish incursion into northwest Syria is drawing fire.

What the Market Can’t Tell Us About the Next US Recession

The class divisions aggravated by the last recession aren’t going away anytime soon.

In the Balkans, the Power of a Name

Greece and Macedonia have been locked in a dispute over Macedonia’s name.

A New US Defense Strategy for the Future

After two decades of putting out brush fires across the globe, Washington is refocusing on China and Russia.

Australia Weighs Its Relationships With the US, China

For Australia, the dilemma ultimately comes down to the fact that its key security partner is at odds with its top economic partner.

Puzzling US Policy on North Korea

When will the president make a clear decision?

For Iran, Tough Choices Ahead

Its social and political stability has been shaken, and external pressures are mounting.

Germany and the US, Springing to Inaction

For better or worse, their problems are the world’s problems.

Growing Economies Should Bring Little Cheer

The economic recovery isn’t healing the wounds inflicted by 2008.

India’s One Belt, One Road-Block

New Delhi’s goals are to make money and thwart China’s plans.

Turkey Invades, NATO Benefits

After Turkey goes after Afrin, NATO is happy.

Why the US Can’t Afford a Trade War With the EU

President Trump has promised to protect U.S. steel, but at what cost?

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