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The Geopolitics of Sanctions

April 19, 2016 Imposing economic pressures is a tactic governments use to pursue goals, but shifting interests ultimately shape negotiations.


Journey to Europe: The Perspective of the Apprentice

April 18, 2016 While attending a conference in Slovakia, our director of analysis reflects on the future.

American Muslims and the Islamic State

April 18, 2016 U.S. Muslims present a major challenge to IS.

A Grain of Salt for China’s Export Growth

April 15, 2016 Recently released data has been celebrated, despite explaining little about the Chinese economy.

Europe, Islam and Radical Secularism

April 14, 2016 Post-Enlightenment Europe has replaced its Christian values with secular ones.

Net Assessment Update for Russia

April 14, 2016 Moscow is facing growing economic and security pressures.

Journey to Europe: Thinking About Gagarin

April 13, 2016 The Cold War space race was as much about competition as it was self-doubt.

Brazil, Argentina and Oil: The Root of the Problem

April 13, 2016 Both countries were seeing signs of trouble well before oil prices crashed.

Journey to Europe: Preparation

April 12, 2016 Geopolitics dictates that history takes shape regardless of opinions or intentions.

Why Turkey and Russia Will Avoid Confrontation

April 12, 2016 The two countries have competing interests, but no desire for conflict with one another.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Arab Security

April 11, 2016 Both countries are weakening, as instability grows throughout the Middle East.

France Confronts Germany on Defense

April 8, 2016 The two countries have diverging views on boosting their military efforts.

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