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Regional Directory

A ā€˜Credibleā€™ EU Strategy for Balkans Expansion

With Russia and Turkey distracted, the time is right for the EU to move in.

Mexicoā€™s Drug War Is No Closer to an End

Under the weight of government pressure, the cartels have fragmented but not broken.

Israel, Iran and the War for Syria

Iran is attempting to take control of Syria. Israel canā€™t let that happen.

Iranā€™s Protests Are Over, but Uncertainty Lingers

While the regime was able to put down the unrest, it has been unable to address its underlying causes.

Central Asia Steps Out of Russiaā€™s Shadow

The countries are ready to find solutions to internal problems without Moscowā€™s help.

The Nile: A Source of Life and Discord

The Red Sea is an immensely valuable region strategically. It has been an active trade zone since the time of the ancient Egyptians, and today some 20 percent of global trade by volume passes through it. It is also a volatile region ā€“ in great part because of its value.

The Red Sea, Where Alliances Shift With the Tide

The region is too strategically valuable to be left alone by regional and even global powers.

Turkey and Iran: On a Collision Course

The Turkish incursion into northwest Syria is drawing fire.

What the Market Canā€™t Tell Us About the Next US Recession

The class divisions aggravated by the last recession arenā€™t going away anytime soon.

In the Balkans, the Power of a Name

Greece and Macedonia have been locked in a dispute over Macedoniaā€™s name.

A New US Defense Strategy for the Future

After two decades of putting out brush fires across the globe, Washington is refocusing on China and Russia.

How China Benefits from African Debt

Widespread default could create opportunities for outside powers that covet the regionā€™s natural resources.

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