HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Apple and the Technology Cycle

The next society-changing innovation won’t be driven by the microchip.

What Has Happened to Us

The global system that many fear is dying is already dead. The new one has yet to emerge.

Brexit: How We Got Here

The referendum happened over two years ago, but there’s still debate over how to implement the result.

Making Sense of the Kerch Strait Crisis

Russia needs a lever to negotiate an end to sanctions, and the Kerch Strait could be just the ticket.

What 1979 Can Tell Us About Iran Today

History never repeats itself exactly. Or does it?

The Brilliant and the Absurd in Vienna

A geopolitical journey into the city that was once the intellectual and cultural center of Europe.

Israel’s Strategic Reality

The current fighting in Gaza is part of years of sporadic conflict, but there’s more to it than that.

A Speech by Mike Pence and the Sum of All Chinese Fears

The Chinese are looking for any hint that Washington is escalating the conflict with Beijing.

The Illusion of a Russia-China Alliance

Neither country can solve the other’s top economic and strategic problems.

A Startling Speech in China

A prominent Chinese economist has publicly challenged a core concept in China’s policy.

The Limits of Nuclear Arms Treaties

The idea that a treaty can mitigate the threat of war simply misses the point.

Fact and Fiction in the Khashoggi Affair

The journalist’s killing could call into question the U.S.-Saudi alliance.

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