Dec. 18, 2015 The decline of the Russian economy and weakening of the ruble have had significant impacts on Tajikistan and the governments in both countries are concerned about a possible increase in instability as a result.
Dec. 18, 2015 In addition to the precipitous decline in South Korean exports that indicate economic trouble for Seoul, there are worrying signs of political instability and stalemate in the country.
Dec. 16, 2015 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have reached an agreement, but there’s far more to consider than just Bashar al-Assad or his regime leaving.
Dec. 16, 2015 The Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance includes 34 Arab and Muslim states, however, is unlikely to gain any traction in the fight against global jihadism.
Dec. 15, 2015 The U.S. is holding simultaneous high-level talks in Turkey and Russia, however, the negotiations will highlight the diverging priorities of the Americans and the regional powers in the Middle East.
Dec. 14, 2015 While the media is portraying the French election result as an unmitigated disaster for the National Front, we can say it was a mitigated disaster.
Dec. 14, 2015 The country may clash with the European Union over its plans to compensate some bondholders for their financial losses, following the restructuring of four small banks.
Dec. 13, 2015 Despite failing to win control in any single region, the National Front had a significant impact on the French regional elections and will continue to be a major player in French politics.
Dec. 12, 2015 There are increasing indications that the Schengen zone will not survive in a fragmented Europe, at least not in its current form, and this could lead to negative impacts on trade and tourism.