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2016 Forecast Year-End Report Card

Dec. 22, 2016 As the year comes to an close, we examine how our forecast for 2016 fared.

The Slowing Battle for Mosul

Dec. 22, 2016 The anti-Islamic State coalition is getting bogged down.

Israel’s Disappearing Act

Dec. 21, 2016 Israelis have benefited from not being a main focus in the Middle East.

In Defense of Nationalism

Dec. 21, 2016 The concept of nationalism in the modern world remains largely misunderstood.

Jordan: The Small Kingdom in the Middle

Dec. 20, 2016 The Arab monarchy’s short-term stability could be at risk.

Maintaining Perspective About Adversaries

Dec. 19, 2016 The U.S. should focus on real power and not fall for bluffs.

Forecasting Russia in 2017

Dec. 19, 2016 We look at what’s in store for Russia in the year ahead.

Trump’s Dilemma

Dec. 16, 2016 The president-elect’s ability to make changes depends on whether his support rises or falls.

China’s Grand Goals and Limited Options

Dec. 16, 2016 Beijing is developing its naval capabilities, but to what end?

A Geopolitically Significant Price for Oil

Dec. 15, 2016 We do the math on the oil price Russia needs to be sustainable.

The Balance of Weakness in the Syrian Civil War

Dec. 15, 2016 We examine the three main actors that control territory in Syria.

The Islamic State Strikes Back

Dec. 14, 2016 IS’ capture of Palmyra has pulled the cloak back on Russia’s vulnerability.

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