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The EMP Threat: How It Works and What It Means for the Korean Crisis

Given the uncertainty surrounding the crisis, the threat of a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse attack can’t be dismissed completely.

The World After McMaster

The national security adviser has been a stabilizing force. What will happen if he leaves his post?

Ethiopia’s Unrest Invites Global Competition

For countries interested in establishing a foothold in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia could soon be looking for patrons.

Korea After the Olympics

South Korea wants to avoid a war, but reconciliation with the North is no panacea either.

In Syria, Alliances Shift Again

Turkeyā€™s incursion in northern Syria has some parties reconsidering their allies and enemies.

In the South China Sea, US and UK Navy Deployments Wonā€™t Change Anything

When does a warship tooling around in hotly disputed waters really matter?

Chinaā€™s Not the Only Target If US Imposes Steep Tariffs

An obscure law would make economic policy a matter of national security.

A Short History of the Islamic State

The Islamic Stateā€™s fall would prove to be as quick as its rise.

Iranian Expansion Spreads Beyond the Middle East

The country has been getting closer to Azerbaijan in recent months.

The Hype and the Reality of the EMP Threat

Under what scenarios would a country like North Korea launch a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse attack?

Turkey Tests the Waters Off the Coast of Cyprus

A new gas reserve in the Eastern Mediterranean sparks friction.

Japan’s North Korea Strategy: A Solid Defense

Peripheral to the crisis on the Korean Peninsula, Japan is slowly building up military capabilities.

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