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Beyond Incirlik

The Turkish air base has become a point of contention in negotiations between Washington and Ankara.

Why Turkey Wonā€™t Align With Russia

Temporary cooperation doesnā€™t amount to a budding alliance.

The Nature of Nations

Over the past few weeks, I have discussed the relationship between geography and the evolution of three countries: the United States, Australia and Hungary....

Daily Memo: The Chinese Economy, Iranian Floods, US-Turkey Talks

All the news worth knowing today.

Doing the Haka

Despite the furor that rages, the world appears to be quietly moving along.

Taiwan: More Than a US Friend of Convenience

U.S. assurances to Taiwan are intentionally vague. U.S. interests in Taiwan are crystal clear.

Daily Memo: Trade Talks, India’s Buildup, Ingush Protests

All the news worth knowing today.

The Shores of Lake Balkhash

Russia has offered to help Kazakhstan build a nuclear power plant near Lake Balkhash.

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