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Daily Memo: Iranian Drones, Indian Warships, Japanese Elections

All the news worth knowing today.

Toward an Ever-Closer European Union

The EU was designed for a world that no longer exists. To survive, it will have to reprogram itself.

Daily Memo: Traffic in the Persian Gulf, Discontent in Italy

All the news worth knowing today.

On Defense, Russiaā€™s Patience With Belarus Is Wearing Thin

Minsk isnā€™t willing to give up its sovereignty to protect Russian interests.

Daily Memo: South China Sea Scuffles, Brexit Threats, Iran Talks

All the news worth knowing today.

The Battle for the Past

Whoever defines the past controls the present and future.

The Resurrection of Scottish Foreign Policy

Its revival comes after more than 300 years of dormancy.

Daily Memo: Turkeyā€™s S-400s, Russian Opportunism

All the news worth knowing today.

Between Japan and South Korea, a Trade War Lurks

The two seem to have every reason to cooperate. Yet here we are.

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