HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Hypersonics and Modern War

Hypersonics could introduce a radically new type of war.

Nations, Wars and Liberal Democracy

Having considered the origins of the United States, Australia and Hungary over the past month, it is time to return to the underlying issue...

The Nature of Nations

Over the past few weeks, I have discussed the relationship between geography and the evolution of three countries: the United States, Australia and Hungary....

Doing the Haka

Despite the furor that rages, the world appears to be quietly moving along.

The Geopolitics of Hungary

We’ve examined the geopolitics of the United States and Australia; let’s turn now to a radically different example: Hungary. Hungary is what I call...

NATO’s Anachronism

The principle of Euro-American security is vital. NATO is not.

Brexit and Charles de Gaulle’s Last Laugh

In many ways, de Gaulle foresaw the crisis Britain is now struggling to pull itself out of.

The Second Phase of American Geopolitics

I began this series with discussions of geopolitics and philosophy. I think it is useful now to attempt to show the practical impact of...

The Global Impact of a US Recession

It appears more and more likely that a recession is coming, and it will have geopolitical consequences.

Geography and the American Colonial Period

In the fifth installment of this series, I will focus on the origins of the United States and the geographical elements that were critical...

American Universities Are in Crisis

Elite universities are once again looking for social conformists rather than disrupters.

Response to Comments: On Leadership and Necessity

I’ve now shared three fragments of my next book on geopolitics with GPF readers. One on philosophy and geopolitics, one on historical determinism and...

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