HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Happy Birthday to Geopolitical Futures

On Dec. 2, 2015, Geopolitical Futures issued its first publication. That was its birth. Its conception took place months before, in September 2015, in a small town in Austria, not very far from the Berghof, Hitlerā€™s retreat. We had come to Vienna on a business matter and decided to find a quiet place to think […]

The Utility and Morality of Assassination

The head of the Iranian nuclear weapons program was killed Friday near Tehran. The assumption is that he was killed by the Israelis, whose...

China Stares Down a Financial Reckoning

One has to wonder what Jack Ma was thinking when, in a speech in Shanghai in late October, the Alibaba and Ant Group founder...

The Event that Triggered US Maritime Supremacy

On Nov. 11, 1940, the British Royal Navy set the stage for the United States becoming the dominant naval power in the world. It...

Russiaā€™s Search for Strategic Depth

In 2005, in a speech delivered in front of Russiaā€™s Federal Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the fall of the Soviet Union...

The Strangeness of an Analytic Life

I have spent a good part of my life as an analyst, and for the past quarter-century as an analyst of geopolitics ā€“ the...

Bidenā€™s Dilemma

The election is over, and barring major fraud or error, Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. He begins as...

The War of the Norm

The primary reason about half the country voted for Joe Biden was that he wasnā€™t Donald Trump. Trump was seen by many as violating...

The Illusion of Foreign Policy

No matter who becomes Americaā€™s next president, certain things will follow. The world will wonder what President Donald Trumpā€™s foreign policy will be in...

A Different Election

In less than a week, the United States will elect a president for the 59th time in its history. This one, as others before...

What Happened to American Leadership?

International conferences for people in my profession are generally a thing of the recent past, having been replaced by virtual conferences via platforms like...

Social Media Is Old-Fashioned and Radically Destabilizing

The New York Times has reported that the Justice Department is about to bring an antitrust suit against Google specifically targeting Googleā€™s power in...

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