United States

Searching for a Cause

The instability in the United States predicted by our model continued this weekend with the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It should...

The Euro-American Shift

There are certain pressures that reverberate throughout the globe that can manifest in different realms, including the economy, the military and the legal system....

Graphic Essay: Global Chokepoints in Maritime Trade

Editor’s note: The following is the first of what we hope will be many Monthly Graphics, a visual-rich, subscriber-only essay that complements our long-form...

Herrings and the Courts

Devoted readers will recall what I wrote in my most recent book, “The Storm Before the Calm,” and in subsequent articles here on GPF:...

Daily Memo: Hezbollah Considers Its Options

Plan for Hezbollah. A senior officer from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps met in Baghdad with leaders of pro-Iranian factions in Iraq to discuss...

The World of Balance

The international system is always changing. It usually shifts one piece at a time, each one constrained by the system to dampen its impact...

The Demographic Meltdown

Major news publications around the world are rife lately with articles noting how the decline in birth rates has reached a critical mass. Over...

Remembering D-Day

Overlooking Omaha Beach is a cemetery in which the Americans who died on D-Day were buried. To walk through this graveyard is to walk...

A New Front in the US-China Trade War

In mid-May, U.S. President Joe Biden unveiled a proposal for new tariffs on a variety of Chinese imports. This year, the U.S. will raise...

Russian Strategy in the Sahel

A date has been set for the United States to fully demobilize from its military bases in Niger. On Sept. 15, American forces will...

The Crisis of the University

In my book “The Storm Before the Calm,” I wrote that the United States is headed into institutional and socio-economic crises. The institutional crisis,...

For the US, 2024 Isn’t 1973

Editor’s note: The rash of student protests throughout the United States is, however you feel about them, a result of America’s unwavering support for...

European Views on US Global Posture

The notion that all countries operate within constraints is one of the main pillars of geopolitics. It came up repeatedly during my recent visit...

How Different Countries Respond to Terrorism

The fallout from Hamas’ Oct. 7 rampage through Israel and the March 22 massacre at Crocus City Hall near Moscow are dreadful reminders of...

Daily Memo: France Calls Out Azerbaijan, Russian Peacekeepers Go Home

French blowback. France recalled its ambassador to Azerbaijan for consultations after accusing Baku of taking “unilateral actions damaging to the relationship between our two...

US Strategy and the Iran Strike

The U.S. has adopted a national strategy designed to use force without risking casualties of its own. This strategy has been on full display...

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The Geopolitics of the United States

The United States needed to expand west to the Pacific coast in order to ensure strategic depth, generate economic activity and development and reduce the presence of any threat on its western front.

The rich agriculture area between the Rockies and Appalachian Mountains has an intricate river system favorable for exports through New Orleans Port via the Mississippi River.

North America can only be threatened from the sea and therefore control of the seas plays an important element of American strategy.

After the Soviet Union fell, the United States had no strategic challenger. The US remains the world’s super power and actively works to prevent the emergence of any potential regional power that could one day challenge it.

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Required Reads: United States

From our Forecast...

The United States is entering a period of domestic disorder that will last a decade or so. The crisis will not affect U.S. foreign policy, even if it looks like it will.

United States in our Memos

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Daily Memo: Iran’s President-elect Outlines Vision, Hamas Reacts to Israeli Strikes

Pezeshkian's priorities. Iranian President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian outlined his strategic vision for the country in an article for the Tehran Times. He emphasized the importance...

Searching for a Cause

The instability in the United States predicted by our model continued this weekend with the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It should...

Closing the Darien Gap

(click to enlarge) Since 2010, the number and country of origin of migrants passing through the Darien Gap have changed dramatically. According to Panama’s national...

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