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Trouble Brewing in Iran?

The country grows more unstable by the week.

Hungarian Prime Minister Re-elected

Viktor Orban is not an outlier but a forerunner.

The New Shape of the Middle East

In a strange way, the U.S. is the thread holding together Russia, Iran and Turkey, if only temporarily.

Making Sense of the Balkans

The European Union is struggling to find its way, Russia is in a state of flux, and Turkey is getting dragged deeper into the Syrian conflict. These are developments that indirectly shape the global order because of the size and power of the countries involved. But there is one part of the world that does not have the luxury of being shaped indirectly: the Balkans. This mountainous regionā€™s unique geography has consigned it to a troubled place in history, as much because of the ambitions and machinations of outside powers as because of its own fractiousness.

A Lost Decade Made in China

Japan went through many of the same problems decades ago, but the comparison goes only so far.

Competing for the Balkans

Developments in the region are rarely internal affairs.

Ideology Is Dead

The world is inching toward a new competition as aĀ dominant power is challenged by other powers seeking to defend or achieve their national interests.

A History of Fake News

There is nothing new in lying to the public.

Turkey Keeps Its Enemies at Bay

Ankara has to keep an eye on multiple threats at the same time.

Gaza Deaths and Strategic Possibilities

For all the talk of Iranian nuclear weapons, this is an early stage of the real Iranian threat ā€“ a war of attrition against Israel.

Two Perspectives on the Conflict in Afghanistan

Russia and the U.S. see the situation differently ā€“ as they must.

The Uses of Embassy Spies

Blinding Russian intelligence at a time like this would be dangerous.

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