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The Real US Trade War With China

Multilateralism has a role to play in making America great again.

Uzbekistanā€™s Inertia

Reforms have not liberalized the country as much as some may think.

Japanese Imperialism With Chinese Characteristics

As China grows more dependent on imports, its behavior will come to resemble Japanā€™s.

War and the Asymmetry of Interests

The United States is a global power in a world filled with asymmetric interests.

Poland, the Natural Ally for Post-Brexit Britain

Both countries are, in different ways, challenging the status quo in Europe.

The West Rebukes Russia in Syria

Western powers made clear that they would hold Russia partly responsible for Assadā€™s actions.

The Geopolitics of London: Making a Global Financial Center

The power it wields and the opportunities it offers have attracted people from all over the world.

The Syrian Tangle

Direct intervention is not an appealing option for Trump, but the creation of uncertainty is.

Measures of US Power

The U.S. doesnā€™t have to use its military to influence global events.

The Return of Japanese Marines

Japan went without a dedicated amphibious force since World War II ā€“ until last weekend.

Marketing and the Delegitimization of Elections

The core issue is not one of marketing but of citizenry.

Israel and the Search for a Balance of Power

The Israelis won’t tolerate a permanent Iranian presence in Syria.

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