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In Russia, Mercenaries Are a Strategic Tool

Belarusian intelligence has accused Russia of sending private citizens to interfere in the country’s affairs and generally engage in acts of provocation. These same citizens participated in the annexation of Crimea a few years ago and fought on Russia’s behalf in the breakaway region of Donbass, according to officials in Ukraine, who demanded their immediate […]

Daily Memo: Economic Fallout From the Belarus Crisis

Belarus' economy takes a hit. The political crisis in Belarus is gradually turning into an economic one. Several banks, including the Belarusian subsidiary of...

Daily Memo: Stalemate in Belarus, New Weapons in the Struggle for the South China Sea

Stalemate in Belarus. On Wednesday, 30 people were detained across Belarus as post-election protests continued, and police drove back protesters at Independence Square in...

Daily Memo: India-Russia Relations, a UK-Japan Trade Deal

India and Russia get close. Several developments this week indicate the current state of Russia-India relations. First, the co-director of the Russian-Indian joint venture...

Lebanon’s Unwanted Palestinian Refugees

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is currently touring the Middle East to promote the Israel-UAE peace deal signed earlier this month and to...

Daily Memo: The Long Road to Normalization

Germany’s path to economic recovery. Germany’s official Destatis statistics agency published new economic data on the second quarter, including a slightly improved picture of...

The Poisoning of Navalny

Alexei Navalny, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s highest-profile political opponent, remains alive in a German hospital after being poisoned in the Russian town of Tomsk....

Daily Memo: Armenia-Russia Talks, Chinese Moves in the Himalayas

Armenia and Russia discuss regional security. Armenian Defense Minister David Tonoyan and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu met in Moscow on Sunday to discuss...

In Belarus, Russia Bides Its Time

Let’s take stock of the situation in Belarus. Two weeks ago, Alexander Lukashenko was reelected president in what is widely considered a sham election....

Daily Memo: Turkey’s Major Discovery in the Black Sea

Ankara's big find. Turkey has discovered 320 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the Black Sea, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Friday....

China’s War on Taiwan Won’t Start in Taiwan

China is beginning to feel more restless about Taiwan – and a convergence of internal pressures in China, along with the belief in Beijing...

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