Central Asia

Daily Memo: Unrest in Iran and Kyrgyzstan

It’s been a bad week for Iran. The U.S. Treasury on Thursday rolled out a new round of sanctions against 18 Iranian financial institutions and major banks, with the goal of squeezing Iran’s ability to fund operations abroad. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said this latest move in America’s maximum pressure campaign would deprive […]

Daily Memo: Something Stirs in Kyrgyzstan

Meanwhile, in Kyrgyzstan … As violence continues in the Caucasus, another former Soviet satellite is starting to simmer. Protests broke out in the Kyrgyz...

The Trouble With a Premature Vaccine

Hope is beginning to fade that the world will have a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine before the predicted “second wave” arrives that will...

Daily Memo: Russia Drums Up Support, the Global Supply Chain Shifts Away From China

Russia plays power broker. A meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Collective Security Treaty Organization began on...

Vaccine Nationalism Is an Exaggerated Threat

Nationalism is all the rage these days. Following decades of globalization, the pendulum has begun to swing back the other direction, triggering fears that...

Will the Coronavirus Forge a Brave New World?

Of all the major geopolitical players on the planet, Mother Nature may be the toughest adversary. Nature has neither imperatives nor constraints to guide...

Mother Nature as a Geopolitical Force

History is biased, and not just because the victors tend to write it. The study of history is largely the study of humankind –...

Russia’s Choice: Its Buffer Zone or Its Economy

The coronavirus slowdown is forcing the Kremlin to confront decisions about its gas sales sooner than it had hoped.

Daily Memo: China Fires Back

Beijing is making good on threats to retaliate against countries that hold it responsible for the pandemic.

Four Coronavirus Lessons That We Will (or Won’t) Learn

How would we respond differently if another outbreak happened?

Medical, Economic, Social, Military: The State of Play

A riot broke out in a poor, predominantly Muslim neighborhood north of Paris over the weekend. The immediate cause was a traffic offense and...

Daily Memo: In Asia, China Gets Defensive as Restrictions Ease

Some countries have declared victory over the outbreak.

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