HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

The War

During World War II, one needed to say only “the war” for others to know what was being discussed. We have reached the same...

1991: False Dawn

Editor’s note: Last February, Russia invaded Ukraine in what was merely the newest iteration of Russia’s timeless struggle for strategic depth. In doing so,...

America’s Institutional Crisis

In my latest book, “The Storm Before the Calm,” I predicted that the U.S. would go through a massive social crisis in the 2020s....

The Death of Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev died a man whose time had long passed. He saw the opportunity to create a new Russia, built around a reformist movement...

The German Weapons Shortage

Germany’s foreign minister suggested this week that Germany cannot send more of its own weapons to Ukraine because it has deficient supplies. If this...

Reflections on the Black Sea

In 2019, my wife and I went to Romania, where in addition to meeting with Romanian leaders and military brass, we visited Constanta, a...

The Permanence of War and Peace

Last week my friend and colleague, Jacek Bartosiak, wrote a piece for GPF titled “The Scalable World War Ahead,” in which he warned that...

When Russia Prepared for the Inconceivable

Many of our readers have challenged my idea that Russia invaded Ukraine out of fear – fear that, deprived of the strategic depth Ukraine...

China and Russia’s Strategic Problem

The war in Ukraine, now about 6 months old, is strategically important for a variety of reasons. If Russia defeats Ukraine and takes control...

Homage to the Bronx

When my wife and I arrived at the Las Vegas airport recently, we saw a sign advertising a show called “The Bronx Wanderers,” apparently...

The Fallout Over Taiwan

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit to Taiwan predictably sparked outrage in China, which responded by flexing its muscles through some not-at-all subtle...

America, War and the Atlantic

On Aug. 1, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia. Two days later, Germany declared war on France. The following day, Britain declared war on...

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