HomeDeep Dive

Deep Dive

European Muslims: A Demographic Opportunity

The future of the EU, and of countries like France and Germany, will be shaped by whether these countries can assimilate Muslims.

Coping With Venezuelan Migration

South American countries are ill-prepared to deal with the influx of more people.

Idlib, the Latest Frontline in the Syrian Civil War

A battle over Idlib poses a threat to all countries involved in the conflict.

Poland’s Population Problem

High economic growth will only take the country so far.

Diversifying Mexico’s Export Markets

The U.S. trade war is forcing Mexico to re-evaluate its own trade partnerships.

Rebalancing China and Bracing for the Trade War

The only thing more ambitious than Beijing’s goals is its time frame.

Serbian Nationalism: Identity Out of Necessity

A shared objective – expelling the Ottomans – gave rise to a truly single national identity.

Poverty and Security in Russia

For Moscow, some regions are more problematic than others.

The Geopolitics of London: Or, How England Joined the World

The city was a global financial hub well before the EU, and it will be one well after Brexit.

Turkey and Iran: A Rivalry Reborn

Competition is unavoidable, but it won’t resemble the wars of old.

Ethiopia: A Regional Power in the Making?

The country has grown increasingly assertive in the region.

The US Weighs Its Options in the South China Sea

The quiet standoff in the region appears to be entering a new phase.

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