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The Proliferation of Tunnel Warfare

The Syrian civil war brought tunnel technologies to Bashar Assad’s forces. It’s something Israel may want to keep in mind as it pushes a ā€œsafe zoneā€ farther into Syrian territory.

Understanding a No-Deal Brexit

The U.K. has a week to avert a no-deal departure from the EU. What will happen if it fails?

Australia’s Geopolitics

In the past two fragments in this series, I began to lay out the interaction between geography and the development of the United States....

As Maduro Holds on to Power, the Opposition Loses Momentum

Many have underestimated the Venezuelan presidentā€™s staying power.

Brexit and Charles de Gaulleā€™s Last Laugh

In many ways, de Gaulle foresaw the crisis Britain is now struggling to pull itself out of.

Forecast Tracker: 2019 First Quarter Update

The U.S. and China negotiate on trade, Russian frustrations simmer, European economies struggle.

In Turkey, Political Gains Come at a Cost

Erdogan’s recent economic interventions are beginning to take their toll on the country’s finances.

Brexit’s Descent Into Chaos

With deadlines fast approaching, U.K. lawmakers are no closer to a way out of the EU.

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