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Answering the Question of Iran

Earlier this week, the U.S. special representative for Iran said Washington would keep putting additional pressure on Iran in the days and weeks ahead. He also said that Iran had reached a moment where it recognized it could not indefinitely withstand such pressure and would have to either sign a new nuclear deal with Washington […]

Daily Memo: Something Stirs in Kyrgyzstan

Meanwhile, in Kyrgyzstan ā€¦ As violence continues in the Caucasus, another former Soviet satellite is starting to simmer. Protests broke out in the Kyrgyz...

Conflict in the Caucasus and the New American Strategy

During the Cold War, the United States opposed the Soviet Union wherever the Soviet Union sought to make inroads. Some interventions were necessary and...

Daily Memo: Cambodia Slides Toward China

Cambodia accelerates its shift to China. Cambodia has demolished several U.S.-funded facilities at the strategically located Ream Naval Base, Cambodian Defense Minister Gen. Tea...

A New US Embassy in Iraq?

Last week, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi received a phone call that he had been dreading since he took the premiership in May. On...

Daily Memo: Sanctions on Belarus, the US Economic Picture

EU sanctions. Well over a month after agreeing to impose sanctions on Belarusians ā€œresponsible for violence, repression and the falsification of election results,ā€ EU...

Iranā€™s Nuclear Dilemma

Nationalism is a powerful force in Iran's political consciousness. But in recent centuries, military defeats, external occupations and foreign interference have tempered its citizensā€™...

Daily Memo: Coalitions Take Shape

Stop fighting. That was the message to Armenia and Azerbaijan on Thursday from the presidents of France, Russia and the United States. Specifically, the...

On Presidential Debates

As I write this, my wife is watching the presidential debate in another room. I am sitting alone and sipping a port because I...

Daily Memo: Nagorno-Karabakh Simmers

ā€œNegotiatingā€ on the battlefield. The latest update from the fighting over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh is that the fighting is ongoing and little...

As Turkeyā€™s Economy Goes, So Goes Its Ambitions

Turkeyā€™s economy is in dire straits. In September, the Turkish lira fell to a 20-year low as investors withdrew billions from Turkeyā€™s currency bond...

Daily Memo: Confusion Reigns in Nagorno-Karabakh

Scorekeeping in Nagorno-Karabakh. On Monday, day two of hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan, losses continued to mount. Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian enclave at the center...

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