Central Asia

Central Asia’s Dangerous Homecoming

The Islamic State could make the region its next base.

In Uzbekistan, Attempts at Liberalization Aren’t What They Seem

In a place such as Uzbekistan, the tactics a leader use may be liberal or draconian, but the outcome is the same.

Uzbekistan’s Pivotal Role in Central Asia

Uzbekistan is perhaps the most overlooked country in the most overlooked region of the world.

Uzbekistan’s Inertia

Reforms have not liberalized the country as much as some may think.

Central Asia Steps Out of Russia’s Shadow

The countries are ready to find solutions to internal problems without Moscow’s help.

2017 Forecast: Year-end Report Card

Dec. 21, 2017 It’s time to look back on how we fared this year.

The World in 2018

Dec. 15, 2017 The dysfunction that will characterize the year has a decade’s worth of momentum behind it.

The Roots of Central Asian Rage

Nov. 3, 2017 No region is more vulnerable to the Islamic State than is Central Asia.

The Islamic State: Lessons in Crossing Boundaries

Aug. 4, 2017 The group is attracting the sort of attention that will make continued success hard to come by.

One Belt, One Road: When a Trade Route Isn’t a Trade Route

July 13, 2017 This economic initiative is a political solution, not a commercial enterprise.

Uzbekistan Flirts With Disaster

July 11, 2017 It rarely ends well when secular Muslim autocracies employ religion for political purposes.

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