Central Asia

Daily Memo: Emergency Fiscal Measures and Securing Food Supplies

The U.S. Senate has reached a deal on an emergency fiscal package.

The Coronavirus and the Rural-Urban Divide

The pandemic will deepen differences between the urban and the rural.

Daily Memo: Some Optimism Amid Lockdowns

Italy recorded its second straight day of reduced cases.

Quarantine and the Supply Chain

The global medical community appears to have devised a strategy for mitigating the coronavirus that depends largely on quarantine, or limiting contact among the...

Daily Memo: The Limits of the Coronavirus, Global Security Issues, the German Economy

The grimmest estimates can be helpful for policymakers to know what they need to prepare for.

Daily Memo: Idlib Tests Turkey’s Patience, India-Australia Cooperation, North Korea Low on Cash

Turkey accused Russia of failing to live up to its promises, and the Bank of Korea said Pyongyang was running out of cash.

Geopolitical Futures’ Forecast for 2020

Introduction A year is an arbitrary moment. It is short, its length determined by a planet’s rotation around a sun. It is merely a moment...

Forecast Tracker: 2019 Year-End Review

(click to enlarge) Scale: Hit, Partial Hit, Inconclusive, Partial Miss, Miss A Cycle Ends The U.S. and China will reach a deal on trade, but it won’t...

Daily Memo: Korean Peninsula Security Talks, Armenian Military Modernization

South Korea, China and Japan hold talks on regional security, and Armenia beefs up its military.

Daily Memo: Rising Global Debt, Lebanon’s New Prime Minister, Britain’s Foreign Policy Review

A World Bank study shows staggering levels of global debt, and the Lebanese president appoints a new prime minister.

Cracks Appear in the Turkey-Russia Partnership

The contradictions in the Turkish-Russian relationship, which seemed on the surface to be blossoming in recent months, are beginning to show themselves. Any one...

Forecast Tracker: 2019 November Update

A Cycle Ends The U.S. and China will reach a deal on trade, but it won’t end the trade war. On track Washington’s willingness to settle for...

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