Central Asia

Daily Memo: The U.S. and Iran Are at It Again

Tensions are raising as the world reckons with the economic impact of the pandemic.

Daily Memo: Watching What We Eat

The U.N. food program released some troubling numbers earlier this week.

Daily Memo: Restrictions Ease and China’s Economy Contracts

It’s perhaps the worse quarter for Beijing since the 1960s.

Daily Memo: Grim Economic Data in the U.S.

Bad news comes as tensions rise in the Persian Gulf and South China Sea.

George Friedman’s Thoughts: Prisms of Thought

When I began the Thoughts column, I explained that I was using it as a space for thinking about a new book intended to...

Coronavirus and the Peril of Politicizing Medicine

Even medical institutions are political.

The Coming Decline of Global Trade

(click to enlarge) The World Trade Organization revised its forecast for global trade this year to reflect the impact of the coronavirus pandemic — and...

Daily Memo: Unemployment and Oil

Insurance claims rose by another 6.6 million in the U.S. as OPEC struggles to stabilize prices.

Daily Memo: Wuhan Opens Up

European mitigation. As Europe struggles against the coronavirus outbreak, its institutions are scrambling for solutions to limit economic and political fallout. Today, the European...

Supply Chains and a Novel Path to Conflict

Though “supply chain” became a household term only in the past generation, it has been around since humans have been engaging in commerce. One...

Daily Memo: Price Wars and Setbacks

Even success stories such as Singapore are struggling to contain their COVID-19 outbreaks.

Daily Memo: The US Surpasses China

There are more confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. than in any other country.

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