Central Asia

Daily Memo: US Liquidity, Chinese Manufacturing

U.S. liquidity. The U.S. Federal Reserve will extend until March 31 four emergency liquidity programs that were set to expire at the end of...

The Geopolitics of Vaccine Distribution

The American pharmaceutical firm Pfizer, in collaboration with German firm BioNTech, surprised the world when it announced that its coronavirus vaccine showed 90 percent...

Daily Memo: Russia’s Missile Test, Concerns Over Central Asia

Conspicuous missile test. Russia’s newest naval corvette for the first time test-launched a cruise missile at a naval target in the Peter the Great...

Daily Memo: Turkey in Azerbaijan, Israeli Strikes in Syria

Turkish troops headed for Azerbaijan. The Turkish parliament approved a presidential decree to send troops to Azerbaijan for one year to help Russian peacekeepers...

Daily Memo: Going After Chinese Companies, Updates on Nagorno-Karabakh

The U.S. goes after Chinese finance. On Wednesday, U.S. President Donald Trump issued an executive order banning investment in more than 30 Chinese companies...

Daily Memo: China’s 5-Year Plan, Time’s Up in Belarus

China’s next five-year economic playbook. The Fifth Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee kicked off on Monday morning, with Chinese leaders gathering...

Daily Memo: Japan’s Energetic Diplomacy, Sino-Russian Gas Trade

Suga in Vietnam. New Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga isn’t wasting time taking advantage of Southeast Asian countries’ desire for deeper regional involvement from...

Daily Memo: China’s Uneven Recovery

China’s economy falls short. China’s economy grew an estimated 4.9 percent year over year in real terms in the third quarter, according to official...

Daily Memo: Kyrgyzstan’s President Resigns, Kim’s Apology Tour Continues

Kyrgyz president resigns. With protests over the results of Oct. 4 parliamentary elections showing no sign of stopping, Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov announced his...

Russia’s Low-Key Problem in Kyrgyzstan

On Oct. 4, Kyrgyzstan held parliamentary elections that, true to form, ended in political unrest. Rallies broke out the next day, leaving more than...

Daily Memo: Diplomacy in the Himalayas, Weapons for Taiwan

Editor’s Note: Astute readers will notice that today’s Daily Memo has a new look and feel. The alterations are meant to accommodate other content...

In Search of a Solution to Russia’s Strategic Problem

Russian President Vladimir Putin described the collapse of the Soviet Union as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe in history. Though it may not be true...

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