HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

A Shift in the EU

Last week’s election in the Netherlands produced a radical change. Traditionally, the Netherlands is among the most classically liberal states in Europe. But in...

Remember Ukraine?

Some of you may remember Ukraine. Just a few months ago, it was all the talk. Since then, war has broken out between Hamas...

New Visitors in the Caucasus

With all that’s happening in the Middle East, it’s easy to forget about what’s happening in the Caucasus, which careful readers will recall I...

With the US-China Meeting, History Repeats Itself, Sort Of

U.S. President Joe Biden will meet this week with Chinese President Xi Jinping. It’s an important meeting in that both presidents are weak and...

The World Aflame

A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece titled “The World Begins to Reorder Itself.” There is certainly a new order coming, but unlike...

Theories on the Gaza War

Many of our readers have written in to ask why we haven’t had much to say on the war between Hamas and Israel. The...

Hints, Bluffs and Uncertainty

The practice of foreign policy, like many other practices, consists of hints and bluffs amid uncertainty. There’s value in making the worthless seem invaluable...

Answering Readers on ‘Russia, Ukraine and Thinking Extreme Thoughts’

I normally try to reply to responses to my articles individually. This has become increasingly difficult as our readership increases and the thoughtfulness and...

Russia, Ukraine and Thinking Extreme Thoughts

In a recent article, I wrote that the war in Ukraine is over, but nobody knows how to end it. What I meant by...

China Joins the Chaos

Amid the chaos of several wars and the trainwreck that is the U.S. House of Representatives, there would appear to be few things left...

The Last War

The world is focused on the Hamas-Israel war that is now raging. But this war has its psychological antecedents in a war that occurred...

Thinking About Intelligence

The news from Israel has been stunning, and the explanation that many are providing for what happened is that there was an “intelligence failure.”...

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