HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Six Weeks in 2008 and the Forging of the Present

In the span of 40 days, the post-Cold War optimism was crushed.

An American Perspective of US-German Relations

If Germany wants the strategic partnership to continue, it must become a strategic partner.

The US-China War Will Have to Wait

There are more important issues to attend to first.

Thinking About the Trump-Putin Meeting

The American president was not restrained by his advisers, but domestic politics imposes its own limits.

The Trump Doctrine

All presidential doctrines represent a consistent end imposed by necessity.

July 3, 1863: The Birth of a Nation

The United States didn’t fully form until after the Civil War, which turned at the Battle of Gettysburg.

In Search of a Third German Economic Miracle

The missing piece is where Germany is going to find productivity gains.

In Germany, Politics Recollects History

Disagreements over immigration threaten the ruling coalition.

Diplomacy as a Work of Art

It’s all about creating illusions and convincing others that they’re real.

Spain’s Uneven Success Story

Even though Spain’s economy has recovered, its politics are in crisis.

A Conversation About US Credibility

The U.S. is a country like any other, and it can be trusted to act in its interests at all times.

The Trap in Japan’s National Strategy

Japan’s post-war reliance on the U.S. may be obsolete if Korea talks succeed.

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