HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

The ‘Spies and Commandos’ of Afghanistan

The media exploded late last week with reports that Russia had paid the Taliban bounties to kill U.S. and Afghan troops. The plot was...

Beethoven and Now

I know nothing about music. I can’t play an instrument, nor can I read music. My singing appalls even me. Yet music has defined...

Putin’s New History of Europe and the Rehabilitation of Stalin

Russian President Vladimir Putin likes to argue that World War II, and much of the suffering wrought by it, was the responsibility not just...

History and Decency

When I was a child, I learned that history moves forward, sometimes gently and sometimes brutally, but that I had no control over what...

Recession or Depression

In March, we declared our 2020 forecast null and void. The COVID-19 pandemic had essentially rendered it irrelevant. The question we posed in March...

The Redemption of Prediction

Foreseeing what will happen is not difficult. It requires only that we face the fact that life always repeats itself if not perfectly, then...

D-Day and Stalin

Editor’s Note: The following analysis was published on the anniversary of D-Day in 2019. It has been lightly edited. Over 70 years after it was...

The Beginning of the Cyclic Shift

A number of people have asked me if the events this week are what I was predicting in my book, “The Storm Before the...

From China to India

U.S.-China relations have been in decline for a long time. The United States had for years provided China with relatively free access to the...

Friedman’s Thoughts In and Around Geopolitics: Why There Won’t Be a War With China

Jacek Bartosiak, a close friend and collaborator, wrote a piece earlier in the week that concluded with a discussion of U.S.-China relations. He and...

Israel and the New American Strategy

The drawdown of U.S. forces in the Middle East, about which we have written a few times now, is already empowering the countries that...

Friedman’s Thoughts In and Around Geopolitics: Texas, the Comanche and a Virus

On an ordinary weekday, my wife and I went for a drive for no reason other than after weeks of being in lockdown we...

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