HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Ukraine, War and American Doctrine

During the Vietnam War, an American doctrine emerged whereby wars were primarily political and waging wars signaled to other powers that the U.S. was...

Russia and Ukraine: War or Bluff?

Two weeks ago, I wrote an analysis of Russian strategy titled “Russia’s Move.” Here’s a brief recap: When the Soviet Union collapsed, it lost...

From the Earth to the Moon

I spent the past few nights watching the series, “From the Earth to the Moon,” which depicts the American side of the space race....

The Debate Over America First

Since the 1930s, there has been a debate in the United States over a foreign policy based on “America First,” a nationalistic policy that...

Intelligence and Love

In the Bible, Matthew 5:44 enjoins you to love your enemies. The Jewish Passover Seder begins with the words, “Remember Laban the Syrian who...

Russia’s Move

Russia is not a trustful country – for good reason. Germany invaded it twice in the 20th century, France invaded it once in the...

In Praise of Lincoln

On this day in 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. It was a terrible and great moment – terrible in that Americans had...

A Shift in US-Chinese Relations

China’s ambassador to the United States read a letter from Chinese President Xi Jinping at a dinner hosted by the National Committee on U.S.-China...

Canada, Mexico and America’s Reality

The United States lives in a fundamentally unique geopolitical reality. It’s the only major power that doesn’t face the risk of a land war,...

The Election and My Book – Where We Stand

I wrote a book, “The Storm Before the Calm,” a point I have beaten to death. The book is about the social, political and...

Prince Charles Says We Are Dead Meat

Prince Charles has announced that the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Glasgow will be “the last chance saloon” for the planet. The COP26, as...

Eisenhower and War

In my mind, Dwight Eisenhower was one of the great American presidents, and in particular, he was one of the few presidents who really...

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