HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Hu Jintao

An extraordinary thing happened in China at the final meeting of the party congress over the weekend. Hu Jintao, the previous president of China,...

Around the World in 25 Days

As I write this, my wife and I are preparing to take the world’s largest commercial airplane, the double-decker Airbus A380, for a flight...

Still a Unipolar World

In recent weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the United States is trying to impose a new world order, one designed to control...

Not Just Another UN Vote

The hope that Franklin Roosevelt had for the United Nations was never fully realized. Nations have their interests, and they are not about to...

A New Command for the Same War

A few days ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to replace the military commander in charge of the Ukraine war with Gen. Sergei Surovikin,...

Reviewing ‘Blind Spot’

I was invited to review a book written by Jon Clifton titled “Blind Spot: The Global Rise of Unhappiness and How Leaders Missed It.”...

What Is Russia Thinking??

The reason for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was clear: Moscow wanted strategic depth. Nothing Russia has done since, however, has been clear. The military...

Dissenting Opinions: The Complexity of Naming Things

Editor’s note: We at GPF are a group of (more or less) like-minded individuals writing for a common purpose – to make sense of...

Immigration, the Economy and the Italian Election

Italy elected a hard-right party in parliamentary elections held over the weekend. The result indicates that Italians are unhappy with the country’s reality. Italy...

How to Fight a Nuclear War

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s occasional threat of nuclear war has achieved its desired goal: to create a sense of catastrophe if the West, and...

Russian Options

Last week, I discussed the nature of tactical nuclear weapons. They are built for tactical effect, not strategic effect. Strategic nuclear weapons, such as...

Tactical Nuclear Weapons

There has been endless speculation that Russia might use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Given that Russian President Vladimir Putin has mentioned their use on...

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