Mexican Election Reveals Key Social Trends

Top of mind for many lower-income voters was the economy.

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2024 Mexican Presidential Election
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One of the most valuable things about elections is what they reveal about the social forces in a country. In Mexico’s June 2 presidential elections, economic concerns were a major factor in how voters decided to cast their ballots, particularly among lower-income individuals. President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum won widespread support among lower-income households and individuals who have occupations with lower earning potential. She also performed well in the south where economic conditions are poorer than in the north.

However, certain issues resonated across the political and geographical spectrum. Security, for example, was a key consideration for many voters throughout the country. Itā€™s also important to note that these results reflect the attitudes of only 58 percent of Mexican voters who actually cast ballots, about 5 points lower than the voter turnout in most elections over the past 24 years.

Geopolitical Futures
Geopolitical Futures (GPF) was founded in 2015 by George Friedman, international strategist and author of The Storm Before the Calm and The Next 100 Years. GPF is non-ideological, analyzes the world and forecasts the future using geopolitics: political, economic, military and geographic dimensions at the foundation of a nation.