

Israel and the UAE Formalize Their Normalized Relations

On Aug. 13, U.S. President Donald Trump announced a historic peace treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, two countries that do not...

The Geopolitics of the Belarusian Election

Belarus, whose recent elections are making waves throughout the media, has been a pending flashpoint in Europe for some time. The reasons for this...

From a COVID-19 Recession to COVID-19 Depression?

It’s been roughly five months since COVID-19 lockdown measures were first put in place. That means that come September, we will have gone two...

Racial Cycles

Slavery was the law of the land when the United States was founded, and it would take nearly a century, and a civil war,...

The Queen Elizabeth and the Prince of Wales

The British recently finished building two new aircraft carriers, the Queen Elizabeth and the Prince of Wales. Last week, Britain announced that one of...

The Truth About the US-China Thucydides Trap

We remember Thucydides as a historian thanks to his documentation of the Peloponnesian War, but we often forget that he was also a philosopher....

Israel and the New American Strategy

The drawdown of U.S. forces in the Middle East, about which we have written a few times now, is already empowering the countries that...

Back to the Future: China and the US

The COVID-19 disease, which seems likely to be with us for a long time, has done its part to define history. But it has...

The Medical Structure and Calculated Risk

Medical research is always involved in the important work of understanding disease and the human body. It is now at the center of a...

Power and the Rise and Fall of Nations

Last week, I appeared on a Turkish TV station and spoke to a business group in Switzerland. The same question was the focus of...

Medical, Economic, Social, Military: The State of Play

A riot broke out in a poor, predominantly Muslim neighborhood north of Paris over the weekend. The immediate cause was a traffic offense and...

The Coronavirus Closes Borders

The border between the United States and Canada has been closed. I don’t recall that ever happening before; I’m not sure what it is...

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