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Regional Directory

On the Korean Peninsula, Toasts Give Way to the Problem

A solution to the crisis would require major concessions from all parties involved in talks.

China, India and the Confrontation Neither Side Wants

Underlying forces are pushing the two sides into a self-perpetuating cycle of zero-sum competition.

Derailed Development in Southern Mexico

Located on the Pacific coast and 120 miles (200 kilometers) southwest of Mexico City, Guerrero state had the most homicides of any state in Mexico last year. Though this can partly be attributed to geography – the state is mountainous and therefore hard to secure from the outside – it’s also due to the fact that the state was not seen as a priority during various points in Mexico’s history.

The Barriers to Development in Mexico’s Guerrero State

The central government has struggled to control Guerrero, one of Mexico’s most violent states.

In Eastern Europe, Slow Change Can Have a Big Impact

Three seemingly unconnected developments offer a peek into the region’s future.

Saudi Arabia’s Race Against Time

Rumors of palace coups are more believable when you take stock of the country’s position.

Armenia: Not Another Color Revolution

Unlike the revolution in Ukraine, in Armenia even the interim government will lean toward Russia.

North Korea’s Strategy After Halting Its Nuclear Program

As a nuclear power in some respects, North Korea must start behaving as utterly rational, leaving the craziness behind.

The Far Reaches of US Soft Power

Decisions made in Washington can affect economies around the world.

Central America: Defining Its Own Destiny

The U.S. will in the future see it as a region increasingly difficult to ignore.

Uzbekistan’s Pivotal Role in Central Asia

Uzbekistan is perhaps the most overlooked country in the most overlooked region of the world.

The Real US Trade War With China

Multilateralism has a role to play in making America great again.

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