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Daily Memo: Clashes in Kashmir, Talks in Hanoi, Labor Reforms in France

All the news worth knowing today.

Putin, Khrushchev and the Lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Putin has invoked the crisis to revive the perception of Russia as a superpower.

Daily Memo: Indian Airstrikes, Iranian Politics

All the news worth knowing today.

The US and North Korea Meet Again

Little has changed since the first Trump-Kim summit. Could the two sides be settling for the status quo?

Daily Memo: US Troops in Syria, Digging in in Sudan, Saudi Arabia in Asia

All the news worth knowing today.

A Brief History of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Its origins go back decades but its end is nowhere in sight.

Kashmir: A History of Violence

The region has been a source of conflict between India and Pakistan for decades.

Athens and Jerusalem

On geopolitics and the intellectual tradition.

Daily Memo: Two Fronts of the Trade War, Turkish Politics, Qatar Blockade

All the news worth knowing today.

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