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Geography and the American Colonial Period

In the fifth installment of this series, I will focus on the origins of the United States and the geographical elements that were critical in defining American politics, strategy and culture. In particular, three geographical features defined the English colonies and helped shape the United States into the country it is today. (click to enlarge) […]

How the Trade War Wonā€™t End

Washington wants to cut a deal now, but Beijing is playing the long game.

Daily Memo: Income Statistics, a Russian SWIFT, Reallocated Funds

All the news worth knowing today.

American Universities Are in Crisis

Elite universities are once again looking for social conformists rather than disrupters.

Kazakhstanā€™s First and Only President Has Resigned

Nursultan Nazarbayev has surrendered his post but very little of his power.

Italy Signs Up for the Belt and Road Initiative

Romeā€™s decision has provoked stern but ultimately empty U.S. warnings.

Algeria’s Perpetual Protest

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika says he will not run for a fifth term. So why are people still protesting?

Brazilā€™s Chance to Lead

The crisis in Venezuela poses a national security threat, leaving Brazil little choice but to take action.

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