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Canada: A Casualty of ‘America First’

China is proving tough on Canada, and the U.S. has yet to come to its neighborā€™s aid.

The Story of Venezuela

Itā€™s time to take a break from my search for the meaning of the nation and turn my focus to specific countries. I will...

Why Erdogan Canā€™t Give Up on Istanbul

The local mayoral race will be re-held, but time isnā€™t on the presidentā€™s side.

Iranā€™s Inevitable Ultimatum

From Tehranā€™s point of view, resuming the nuclear weapons program is all it has left.

The US, Iran and a New American Deployment

Iranā€™s influence has spread across the Middle East, and the U.S. is pushing back.

China Struggles to Contain an Outbreak

More than 1 million pigs have been culled already to contain the outbreak of African swine fever.

Why Banning the Brotherhood Wonā€™t Work

Calling its members terrorists will only create more terrorists.

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