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Daily Memo: Chinese Ambitions, Syrian Deployments, Naval Patrols

All the news worth knowing today.

Command of the Sea

Command of the sea is the foundation of American national security. Adm. Alfred Thayer Mahan, the greatest strategist in American history, identified it as...

Turkeyā€™s Libya Problem

Ankaraā€™s involvement in the war-torn country is part of its broader competition with Arab states.

In the War Against Chinese Tech, the U.S. May Go It Alone

Washingtonā€™s threat to curtail security cooperation with allies that do business with Huawei is falling on deaf ears. But the U.S. has another trick up its sleeve.

Daily Memo: Protests of the World

All the news worth knowing today.

No, This Isnā€™t Hong Kongā€™s Tiananmen Moment

For the moment, Beijing is content to let the Hong Kong government handle growing protests on its own.

The Year in U.S.-Taliban Peace Talks

In our 2019 forecast, we predicted the United States and the Taliban would reach a deal in Afghanistan and that before the end of the year Washington would announce a schedule for withdrawing the bulk of its forces. That forecast seems roughly on track, but the year is only halfway over, and there is a long way to go.

Daily Memo: Trade Talks and the Race to 5G

All the news worth knowing today.

Another Truce in the EU-Italy Budget Feud

Bravado made way for compromise, just as it did last year.

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