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Daily Memo: Restoring the Russian Economy

Restoring the Russian economy. Alexei Kudrin, the former Treasury minister and current head of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, has revealed the details of a three-stage plan to improve Russia’s economy by increasing gross domestic product by at least 2.5 percent by 2021, lowering unemployment to 5 percent and jacking up real household income. It […]

The Redemption of Prediction

Foreseeing what will happen is not difficult. It requires only that we face the fact that life always repeats itself if not perfectly, then...

Daily Memo: Brokering Peace in Libya

Brokering peace in Libya. France, Germany and Italy issued a joint statement calling on all parties involved in the Libyan war to engage in...

China Threatens Australia Because That’s All It Can Do

As cases of COVID-19 resurge elsewhere in the world, it’s worth remembering that Australia whipped the coronavirus into submission with relative ease, reducing the...

Daily Memo: Troubling German Trade Figures

Troubling German trade figures. German exports declined in April by 24 percent month over month and 31.1 percent year over year – the largest...

D-Day and Stalin

Editor’s Note: The following analysis was published on the anniversary of D-Day in 2019. It has been lightly edited. Over 70 years after it was...

Daily Memo: US to Pull Troops From Germany

The U.S. draws down. U.S. President Donald Trump reportedly plans to reduce the number of U.S. troops stationed in Germany by 9,500 and cap...

The Black Sea: The Key to Eurasian Stability?

Halford Mackinder, one of the founding fathers of geopolitics, said that if the Heartland was unstable, the world was unstable. And since the Heartland...

Daily Memo: Russian Oil Will Stay in Russia

Russia redirects exports. Russia’s Ministry of Energy instructed Russian oil companies to redirect a significant portion of oil products meant for export to the...

The Rivalry Between Iran’s Armed Services

A longstanding struggle between the services of Iran’s armed forces spilled into the open this week after the government’s official news agency published an...

Daily Memo: An Anniversary of Political Unrest

31 years after Tiananmen Square. Thursday is the 31st anniversary of the deadly crackdown in Tiananmen Square, when the military opened fire on thousands...

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