HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Poland on My Mind

During my recent bout with COVID-19, I apparently announced to my wife in the middle of the night that we were in Poland and that I had a meeting scheduled with the Polish military. This is the moment my wife wisely decided to call our doctor, starting a sequence that led to my spending three […]

Victory Day

We are a few weeks away from the anniversary of Victory Day, which marks the Soviet Union’s defeat of Nazi Germany. The annual parade...

Transitional Presidencies

Lately I’ve been focused on the predictability of U.S. political transitions, which occur every 50 years or so and which indicate that we are...

The Logic of American Strategy and War

In recent weeks I have focused on the social and economic evolution of the United States. Obviously, we also need to discuss U.S. strategic...

Questions and Answers to the American Crisis

The article I published earlier this week about the intensifying crisis in the United States generated a significant number of comments that ought to...

The American Crisis Intensifies

As I ooze back to consciousness after COVID-19 had me in its grip for the past few weeks, it has occurred to me that...

The Technology of Taming Weapons

The massive spring offensive against Ukraine that Russia threatened has not materialized. This does not mean it won’t happen, but it raises serious questions....

The Necessity of the Iraq War

I recently rose from a slumber to discover that many of the learned had risen up to declare the U.S. war in Iraq not...

Ukraine and the Long War

Editor’s note: By definition, geopolitics moves slowly. It’s a drawn-out explanation for the long-term trajectory of nations, one that all too often gets lost...

Hungary and Russia

The Russian government has informed Hungary that its diplomats entering Russia will have to pay a fee rather than pass into Russia without paying...


It’s been nearly 70 years to the day since Josef Stalin died, and his legacy is worth remembering in light of what’s going on...

China and Russia

There has been a great deal of discussion about Chinese military aid to Russia. The United States warned Beijing against sending such aid, and...

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