HomeFrom the Desk of George Friedman

From the Desk of George Friedman

Forecasting Time

Around November each year, we at GPF begin our forecasting process for the coming year. In a real sense, we are always forecasting, as...

In Search of the Normal

I have spent the past few weeks obsessing over the apocalypse of disappearing workers, lost Christmas presents, the pandemic that will not end, and...

Supply Chains: Our Parachute Moment

At the risk of beating a dead horse, I’m writing about supply chains again. Ekaterina Zolotova and Phillip Orchard can explain why Russian-Chinese maneuvers...

Forecasting and Living

I started writing a book in 2015 that would eventually have the title “The Storm Before the Calm.” In it, I identified a series...

Explanations for the Labor Shortage

The current breakdown of the global supply chain threatens to change the future of the world. If this worsens, the fabric of the global...

Beyond Bed, Bath & Beyond’s Supply Chains

Last week, Bed, Bath & Beyond stock was at $24 per share. It closed on Wednesday at $14. As an expert in markets, I...

China’s Economic Crisis and Its Foreign Policy

China has reached a critical point that many countries often reach and that, however painful, is cleansing in the long term. Consider what happened...

Apocalypse Then

Sixty years ago, almost to the day, the Soviet Union detonated a 50-megaton nuclear bomb, the largest discharged ever before or since, vastly dwarfing...

Germany, Merkel and the Danger of Self-Confidence

Germany held an election to replace Angela Merkel, who led the German government for 16 years – through much of the implementation of the...

How the Global Economy Works, or Seems To

There is an interesting pattern that takes place in the global system. A nation emerges that is able to produce industrial products at low...

Why Australia Spurned France

The decision by the Australian government to join a U.S.-British consortium to help construct a nuclear submarine capability enraged France, whose previous efforts to...

Bonus Chapter: The Five Eyes

Editor’s note: In a supplementary chapter of his book “The Storm Before the Calm,” GPF founder George Friedman wrote last summer about how the...

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