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RealClearWorld: Ukraine and the Long War

Long wars result from consistent and fundamental errors: underestimating the will and ability of an enemy to resist, overestimating oneā€™s own capabilities, going to war for incorrect or insufficient reasons, or underestimating the degree to which a powerful third party might intervene and shift the balance of power. - George Friedman Full story

RealClearWorld: China and Russia

  The specter of a Chinese-Russian alliance against the United States seems catastrophic to many Americans, and the idea of Chinese weapons on the Ukrainian battlefield seems like a preface to disaster. But these concerns are misplaced. - George Friedman Full story

Newsbomb: Tomorrow Uncertain for Turkey, but Geography "Will Not Change"

In view of Antonia Colibasanu's visit to Greece, Newsbomb.gr held a discussion with her, both on the challenges posed to Europe and the world economy by the war in Ukraine, but also on Greek-Turkish relations, the risk of conflagration in the Aegean and how the scene and Turkish aspirations change - or does not change, after the deadly earthquake in the southeast of the country. Full story

Sun Media Romania: Cum va arăta Europa după ce războiul din Ucraina se va sfĆ¢rși

ā€žĆŽn scenariul pe care Ć®l cred și sper puțin probabil Ć®n care Rusia va cĆ¢Č™tiga Ć®n Ucraina, ne vom confrunta cu o creștere a actelor de agresiune Ć®n Marea Neagră, ceea ce va pune sub semnul Ć®ntrebării multe dintre proiectele de dezvoltat Ć®n regiunea maritimă. - Antonia Colibasanu Full story

Adevarul: Paradoxul războiului din Ucraina

Războiul din Ucraina aduce pagube greu de estimat, afectĆ¢nd nu doar o țară, ci un Ć®ntreg continent. Dincolo de toate acestea, pentru RomĆ¢nia și pentru statele vecine Ucrainei poate aduce și unele avantaje economice, a explicat pentru ā€žAdevărulā€ expertul Ć®n geoeconomie Antonia Colibășanu. Full story

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