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Regional Directory

The Danish Vote and the European Crisis

Dec. 4, 2015Ā The Danish rejected a series of changes to Denmark’s laws in order to bring it into compliance with EU requirements, reflecting a growing challenge for the union.

Growing Instability in Tajikistan

Dec. 4, 2015Ā Challenges for the Tajik regime, from economic troubles to Islamic State activity, are growing, posing a risk both to the regime and the region’s stability.

German Approach to EU Border Control

Dec. 4, 2015Ā Germany is hoping to boost Europeā€™s external borders while allowing themselves the legal possibility to extend controls along its own borders.

Shifts in Eastern Ukraine

Dec. 3, 2015Ā Kiev announced it has regained control over two small villages in eastern Ukraine, suggesting the government is trying to draw American attention to its concerns as negotiations with Russia continue.

The Ukrainian Mystery

Dec. 3, 2015Ā After the sabotage of power lines caused an electricity shortage in Crimea, the Ukrainian government displayed a fairly casual attitude toward the matter, given that the shortage directly challenges Russiaā€™s position in Crimea.

Presidential Impeachment Motion in Brazil

Dec. 3, 2015Ā A motion for impeachment of the president has been initiated but, even if successful, this will not solve Brazilā€™s critical economic problems.

The EU’s Open Borders

Dec. 3, 2015Ā A leaked document indicates that European governments may be shifting their strategies in the refugee crisis from ad-hoc border controls to potentially more permanent controls and suspension of the Schengen agreement.

Turkeyā€™s View of the Islamic State

Dec. 2, 2015Ā Some world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama, have recently accused Turkey of colluding with the Islamic State.

Greek Border Controls

Dec. 2, 2015Ā According to a news report, if Greece fails to improve border controls by a mid-December summit, other Schengen members could impose border controls with Greece.

US Special Operations Forces in Iraq

Dec. 2, 2015Ā U.S. deployment of special operations forces in Iraq is bound to create problems within the anti-Islamic State camp, including the Iraqi government.

Greece’s Refugee Problem

Dec. 2, 2015Ā Greece has struggled to cope with the high flow of refugees coming into the country and has been threatened, informally, with suspension from the Schengen zone for its failure to secure its borders.

Iraqā€™s Hollow Efforts in Ramadi

Dec. 1, 2015Ā The Iraqi army has been increasing its efforts to retake Ramadi, however, recovering the city from the Islamic State will not be a substantial advance in its fight against the group.

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