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Civil-Military Relations in Xi’s China

As China struggles with its most serious financial crisis as a major power, it also faces the vital political challenge of maintaining civilian supremacy over its military. President Xi Jinping is trying to ensure that the People’s Liberation Army remains subordinate to the Chinese Communist Party as he transforms an institutionalized autocracy into a personal […]

Daily Memo: Hezbollah Considers Its Options

Plan for Hezbollah. A senior officer from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps met in Baghdad with leaders of pro-Iranian factions in Iraq to discuss...

Is a Real Estate Bubble Growing in Russia?

Last week, certain Russian banks suspended issuance of preferential loans for IT specialists, ahead of the expiration at the end of 2024 of a...

Daily Memo: Serbian Weapons, Russian Inequality

Talking things through. Russia and Serbia are discussing potential security threats related to military exports, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said after it was...

The Arab-Israeli Conflict and Asymmetric Warfare

Arabs and Israelis fought conventional wars in 1948, 1956 and 1967. The Six-Day War convinced Arabs that their militaries were no match for Israel’s...

Daily Memo: Terrorists Strike in Southern Russia, Israeli CEOs Rail Against War Costs

Dagestan attack. Multiple gunmen launched concurrent attacks in two cities in Dagestan, a mostly Muslim Russian republic in the North Caucasus. The Sunday evening...

The Mainstreaming of the European Far-Right

The European Parliament elections held earlier in June were met with the customary concern of every such electoral cycle, with observers wondering if far-right...

Daily Memo: New Vaccine Initiative, Putin’s Warning

Vaccine equality. French President Emmanuel Macron announced a new $1.2 billion project to make vaccines more accessible in Africa. The African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator...

A Fundamental Rift in Israel

After Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Israel’s intention was to annihilate the group, or at least cripple it to the point that it could no...

Daily Memo: Xi Stresses Loyalty, Putin Visits Vietnam

Xi's priorities. Leaders of the Chinese military must always be loyal to the Communist Party, President Xi Jinping said during a conference featuring the...

The Incomparable Risk of an Israeli War With Hezbollah

Israeli forces have been waging war in Gaza for eight months, yet the countries to Israel’s north currently pose its greatest security challenge. On...

Daily Memo: Russia-North Korea Defense Pact, Gaza Security Force

Allies. Russia and North Korea signed a security pact promising that both countries would come to each other’s aid if attacked. Russian President Vladimir...

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