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Daily Memo: Updates on Venezuela, Trade and Tech Wars With China

All the news worth knowing today.

The Russian Crisis

Vladimir Putin failed to keep his promise to create a modern economy. Now he has to pay the price.

Where Brexit Goes From Here

London may soon have two options again. This time, itā€™s no deal or no Brexit.

Daily Memo: Afghan Peace Talks, Russian Interference, Japanese Soft Power

All the news worth knowing today.

Kenyaā€™s Railway to Debt

The terms of a Chinese loan appear to put Kenyan sovereignty at risk.

A New Chapter in US-Cuba Relations

The Trump administration is applying new measures to try to effect change on the island.

Daily Memo: Chinese Stimulus, Syrian Safe Zones, Russian Demographics

All the news worth knowing today.

Whatā€™s Really at Stake in Venezuelaā€™s Unrest

The countryā€™s crisis is escalating with no end in sight.

Venezuelaā€™s Opposition Takes a Chance on Change

The Venezuelan government is no stranger to protests, but the latest wave promises to be different.

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