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Picking Sides: What Brexit Means for the UK, US and China

The controversy in London over the Huawei leak is about far more than technology.

Russia Tightens Its Grip on Donbass

Moscow is making moves to solidify its control over eastern Ukraine.

The Nation and Happiness: Definitions and Contradictions

Last weekā€™s installment in my geopolitics series received a mixed response from readers. There were three main arguments against my article on the relationship...

Indonesiaā€™s Trip Down the Belt and Road

China needs a strategic ally in Indonesia. Will BRI do the trick?

Daily Memo: US Energy, Canadian Pork, the Russian Web

All the news worth knowing today.

Japanese Currency: A No-Go in US Trade Talks

Tokyo may be willing to compromise on a variety of issues, but not on its monetary policy.

What Does It Mean to Be Indian?

As India goes to the polls, questions of governance and identity are at stake.

Hypersonics and Modern War

Hypersonics could introduce a radically new type of war.

A Loya Jirga, the Taliban and Afghan Peace

Leaders from across Afghanistan are gathering in Kabul to discuss the prospect of a peace agreement.

In Venezuela, the Opposition Tries Again to Oust Maduro

Opposition leaders have once again called on the public and military to take to the streets.

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