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Rare Earth Elements: Global Reserves and Production

With China's recent threat to ban exports of rare earth elements to the United States, it may be time to find an alternative.

What the US-Mexico Migration Dispute Is Really About

Both countries want the same outcome, even if publicly it doesnā€™t appear that way.

China, Corn and Caterpillars

An invasion of armyworm could force China to import more corn.

Iranā€™s Water Pressure: Droughts, Floods and a Looming Crisis

If it wants to avert a disaster, Tehran needs to find a solution to the countryā€™s water crisis. But its options are limited.

Whoā€™s Afraid of Saudi Arabia?

The Qatari blockade, now two years old, is a reminder of how impotent the government in Riyadh has become.

Daily Memo: More on Tariffs, More on Rare Earths

All the news worth knowing today.

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