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The Hong Kong Extradition Bill and Chinaā€™s Weakness

The proposed law is a sign that China isnā€™t as strong as it would like everyone to believe.

Daily Memo: Delays in Hong Kong, Governments in Moldova

All the news worth knowing today.

Tracking African Swine Fever

African swine fever is an infectious disease that has already spread from Africa to Europe and Asia. The current outbreak has led to more than 1 million pigs being culled in China.

Daily Memo: Tanker Attacks, US Threats, South African Land Reform

All the news worth knowing today.

On the Black Sea

I have just awakened on the first day following a 24-hour trip from Austin to Constanta, a city in Romania that few Americans know...

Daily Memo: Hong Kong Crackdown, US-Poland Talks, Chinese Inflation

All the news worth knowing today.

Supply Chains and Geopolitics

U.S. tariffs on China could disrupt supply chains on which American companies depend.

The Fog of Trade War: Can China Outlast the US?

Both sides are digging in, but Washington canā€™t ignore the costs of tariffs forever.

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