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Turkey in the Bigger Picture

Purchasing the S-400 system from Russia is a sign of its increasingly independent foreign policy.

Daily Memo: Immigration Deals, Taxes and Tariffs

All the news worth knowing today.

A Timeline of Tensions in the Persian Gulf

Every day, roughly one-third of the world's seaborne oil flows through the Strait of Hormuz, a chokepoint connecting the Persian Gulf with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. But mounting tensions threaten to disrupt traffic through the strategic waterway.

Daily Memo: Greece vs. Turkey, Iran vs. the Western Hemisphere

All the news worth knowing today.

Boris Johnson Enters Smiling

In driving a hard Brexit bargain, the European Union drove the U.K. into Johnsonā€™s arms.

Mexicoā€™s New National Guard: What It Is, and What It Isnā€™t

Will the agency make any difference in crime rates?

Daily Memo: Unrest in Hong Kong, Elections in Ukraine and Japan

All the news worth knowing today.

Daily Memo: Iran Seizes Oil Tankers, Mexico Fulfills a Promise

All the news worth knowing today.

Iranā€™s Miscalculation in the Strait of Hormuz

Iran is disrupting freedom of navigation at a critical chokepoint in the oil trade. Thatā€™s something the U.S. canā€™t accept for very long.

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