HomeDaily Memo

Daily Memo

Daily Memo: New US Sanctions, Armenian Withdrawal

More sanctions on Moscow. The United States on Wednesday expanded sanctions against Russia, introducing more than 300 new restrictions aimed at deterring individuals and...

Daily Memo: Israel Launches Airstrike in Lebanon, Armenia Drifts to Western Allies

Escalation. Israel launched airstrikes in Lebanon that killed four Hezbollah officials, Israel Defense Forces confirmed on Wednesday. One of the officials was the most...

Daily Memo: Russia-Belarus Drills, Russia-Turkey Talks

Sending a message. Russia and Belarus began the second stage of drills meant to train troops on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. The...

Daily Memo: Turkey in Syria, al-Qaida in Afghanistan

Turkish interference. Turkey has been negotiating with Russia and Iran to cancel elections in Kurdish-controlled northeastern Syria, the Turkiye Gazetesi newspaper reported. According to...

Daily Memo: Azerbaijani Demands for Armenia, US Warns for Israel

New condition. Establishing peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia would require changes to the Armenian constitution, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said at a meeting of...

Daily Memo: Uproar in Turkey, Drills in Syria

Turkish backlash. Clashes broke out in the Turkish parliament between lawmakers from the governing AKP party and the pro-Kurdish DEM party following the arrest...

Daily Memo: China Pushes Its Plan for Ukraine

International buy-in? Russia and Ukraine have affirmed most of the contents of China’s “six-point consensus” on how to resolve the Ukraine war, Chinese Foreign Minister...

What the June 2 Elections Say About Mexico

“The most boring election in Mexican history.” That’s how a prominent Mexican political activist described the country’s June 2 elections. Judging by the U.S....

Daily Memo: Putin Meets Sudanese Officials, Moscow Accelerates Weapons Manufacturing

Russia's Africa connections. A delegation of Sudanese representatives, including the country’s deputy head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and ministers of foreign affairs, finance...

Daily Memo: State of Russian Manufacturing, Turkish Forces in Syria

Russian business. Russia’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index rose to 54.4 points in May, up slightly from 54.3 in April. (A value above 50 points...

Daily Memo: Clearance for Ukrainian Strikes in Russia, Turkey Gets Suspicious

War and peace. China will not join the Swiss peace conference on Ukraine due to significant differences between the summit's conditions and China's demands,...

Daily Memo: Russia Raises Taxes, Houthis Get Anti-Ship Missile

Death and taxes. Russia is planning tax hikes to help pay for its protracted war in Ukraine. The corporate tax rate will increase to...

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